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The Beacon is a block, that emits a beam of light when powered. It also displays its location by an indicator in the format "beacon" + name of user that placed it. This acts as a guide for players to find their way to things they can't see on their screen. The player can also choose whether or not to show the arrow on the screen. It can also give certain effects to the player.


  • Beacon Beacon may be obtained from opening Christmas Presents Christmas present or Lottery Cases Lottery case, and by random loot chests generated in spawn and other dimensions.
  • Players can buy a Beacon Beacon for 4 Rainbow Ingots Rainbow ingot from The Shop (Warp) and Shop v.2 (Warp)
  • You can craft a Beacon Beacon with 5 Glass Glass, 1 Nether Star Nether star, and 3 Obsidian Obsidian


  • Right-clicking a beacon brings up its UI, with several options to choose from, and allow everything in range of the beacon to gain permanent effects such as: Haste, Swiftness, Resistance, Strength, Regeneration.
    • Note: You need to use a Mineral for these to activate (Gold ingotIron ingotEmeraldRainbow ingotDiamondRubyNetherite ingotEndium ingot)
  • Marking an area in a world


  • Unlike in Minecraft, stained glass blocks do not affect a beacon.
  • A beacon generates under the enchanting table in one variant of the Stronghold Portal.
  • When a Beacon is broken, it drops itself and any item that was in its slot.
  • You cannot see players, water, lava, and plants behind the beam of a Beacon Beacon
    • To do this, you need to use the command !mapControls


Items Result
Glass x 5 Glass Nether Star Nether star Obsidian x 3 Obsidian Beacon Beacon


Description Relation
Crafter Craft any item Crafting a Beacon Beacon

5 Glass Glass, 1 Nether Star Nether star, and 3 Obsidian Obsidian

Beaconator Activate the beacon with max level Using Beacons Beacon
Miner Mining 100k blocks Mining a Beacon Beacon 100k times (Or along with other blocks)
Builder Place 100k blocks Placing a Beacon Beacon 100k times (Or along with other blocks)


Server v0.829 | Client: v0.129 Beacons Beacon were added
Server v0.832 | Client: v0.131 Fixed Beacons Beacon



