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Brewing is primarily used to make potions in a cheaper way when compared to buying them from the potion Shop. The brewing process takes some amount of time to complete and hence is considerably time-consuming. Brewing needs to be done in the following steps:

  1. The first step is to acquire basic materials and the necessary supplies either from the Potion Shop or from the environment.
  2. Get a brewing stand
  3. Brew the potion according to the guide on the right panel


Description Relation
Local Brewery Brew any potion Using the Brewing Mechanic to make a potion


Item 1 Item 2 Result Effects Duration
Water Bottle Bottle water Nether Wart Nether wart Awkward Potion Bottle water N/A
Redstone Dust Redstone Mundane Potion Bottle water
Pufferfish Pufferfish
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Thick Potion Bottle water
Water Bottle Bottle water Fermented Spider Eye Fermented spider eye Potion of Weakness Potion of weakness Weakness (0.1) 1:30
Thick Potion Bottle water
Awkward Potion Bottle water
Potion of Regeneration Potion of regeneration
Duration 0:45, Effect: Healing (0.2)
Potion of Strength Potion of strength
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Strength (0.1)
Potion of Weakness Potion of weakness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Weakness (0.1)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Weakness Splash potion of weakness
Mundane Potion Bottle water Fermented Spider Eye Fermented spider eye Potion of Weakness Potion of weakness 4:00
Potion of Weakness Potion of weakness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Weakness (0.1)
Potion of Weakness Potion of weakness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Weakness (0.1)
Redstone Dust Redstone
Potion of Strength Potion of strength
Duration: 8:00, Effect: Strength (0.1)
Potion of Regeneration Potion of regeneration
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Healing (0.2)
Potion of Weakness Potion of weakness
Duration: 4:00, Effect: Weakness (0.1)
Gun powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Weakness Splash potion of weakness
Splash Potion of Weakness Splash potion of weakness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Weakness (0.1)
Fermented Spider Eye Fermented spider eye
Redstone Dust Redstone
Awkward Potion Bottle water Glistering Melon Slice Glistering melon slice Potion of Healing Potion of healing Healing (2) N/A
Potion of Healing Potion of healing
Effect: Healing (2)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Healing Splash potion of healing
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Potion of Healing II Potion of healing Healing (4)
Potion of Healing II Potion of healing
Effect: Healing (4)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Healing II Splash potion of healing
Splash Potion of Healing II Splash potion of healing
Effect: Healing (2)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust
Awkward Potion Bottle water Magma Cream Magma cream Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of fire resistance N/A 3:00
Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of fire resistance
Duration: 3:00
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Splash potion of fire resistance
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of fire resistance 8:00
Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of fire resistance
Duration: 8:00 
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Splash potion of fire resistance
Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Splash potion of fire resistance
Duration: 3:00
Redstone Dust Redstone
Awkward Potion Bottle water Ghast Tear Ghast tear Potion of Regeneration Potion of regeneration Healing (0.2) 0:45
Potion of Regeneration Potion of regeneration
Duration: 0:45, Effect: Healing (0.2)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Regeneration Splash potion of regeneration
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Regeneration Potion of regeneration 1:30
Potion of Regeneration Potion of regeneration
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Healing (0.2)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Regeneration Splash potion of regeneration
Potion of Regeneration Potion of regeneration
Duration: 0:45, Effect: Healing (0.2)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Potion of Regeneration II Potion of regeneration Healing (0.44) 0:22
Potion of Regeneration II Potion of regeneration
Duration: 0:22, Effect: Healing (0.44)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Regeneration II Splash potion of regeneration
Splash Potion of Regeneration Splash potion of regeneration
Duration: 0:45, Effect: Healing (0.2)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust
Awkward Potion Bottle water Blaze Powder Blaze powder Potion of Strength Potion of strength Strength (0.1) 3:00
Potion of Strength Potion of strength
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Strength (0.1)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Strength Splash potion of strength
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Strength Potion of strength 8:00
Potion of Strength Potion of strength
Duration: 8:00, Effect: Strength (0.1) 
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Strength Splash potion of strength
Splash Potion of Strength Splash potion of strength
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Strength (0.1) 
Redstone Redstone Splash Potion of Strength Splash potion of strength
Potion of Strength Potion of strength
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Strength (0.1)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Potion of Strength II Potion of strength Strength (0.2) 1:30
Potion of Strength II Potion of strength
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Strength (0.2)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Strength II Splash potion of strength
Splash Potion of Strength Splash potion of strength
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Strength (0.1)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust
Awkward Potion Bottle water Sugar Sugar Potion of Swiftness Potion of swiftness Swiftness (0.2) 3:00
Potion of Swiftness Potion of swiftness
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Swiftness (0.2)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash potion of swiftness
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of swiftness Potion of swiftness 8:00
Potion of Swiftness Potion of swiftness
Duration: 8:00, Effect: Swiftness (0.2)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash potion of swiftness
Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash potion of swiftness
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Swiftness (0.2)
Redstone Dust Redstone
Potion of Swiftness Potion of swiftness
DUration: 3:00, Effect: Strength (0.2)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Potion of Swiftness II Potion of swiftness Swiftness (0.4) 1:30
Potion of Swiftness II Potion of swiftness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Strength (0.4)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Swiftness II Splash potion of swiftness
Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash potion of swiftness
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Strength (0.4)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust
Awkward Potion Bottle water Spider Eye Spider eye Potion of Poison Potion of poison Damage (0.2 0:45
Potion of Poison Potion of poison
Duration: 0:45, Effect: Damage (0.2)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Poison Splash potion of poison
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Poison Potion of poison 1:30
Potion of Poison Potion of poison
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Damage (0.2)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Poison Splash potion of poison
Splash Potion of Poison Splash potion of poison
Duration: 0:45, Effect: Damage (0.2)
Redstone Dust Redstone
Potion of Poison Potion of poison
Duration: 0:45, Effect: Damage (0.2)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Potion of Poison II Potion of poison Damage (0.44) 0:21
Potion of Poison II Potion of poison
Duration: 0:21, Effect: Damage (0.44)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Poison II Splash potion of poison
Splash Potion of Poison Splash potion of poison
Duration: 0:45, Effect: Damage (0.2)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust
Awkward Potion Bottle water Golden Carrot Golden carrot Potion of Night Vision Potion of night vision N/A 3:00
Potion of Night Vision Potion of night vision
Duration: 3:00
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Night Vision Splash potion of night vision
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Night Vision Potion of night vision 8:00
Potion of Night Vision Potion of night vision
Duration: 8:00
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Night Vision Splash potion of night vision
Splash Potion of Night Vision Splash potion of night vision
Duration: 3:00
Redstone Dust Redstone
Potion of Night Vision Potion of night vision
Duration: 3:00
Fermented Spider Eye Fermented spider eye Potion of Invisibility Potion of invisibility 3:00
Potion of Invisibility Potion of invisibility
Duration: 3:00
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Invisibility Splash potion of invisibility
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Invisibility Potion of invisibility 8:00
Potion of Invisibility Potion of invisibility
Duration: 8:00
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Invisibility Splash potion of invisibility
Splash Potion of Invisibility Splash potion of invisibility
Duration: 3:00
Redstone Dust Redstone
Potion of Healing Potion of healing
Effect: Healing (2)
Fermented Spider Eye Fermented spider eye Potion of Damage Potion of harming Damage (1.5) N/A
Potion of Poison Potion of poison
Duration: 0:45, Effect: Damage (0.2)
Potion of Damage Potion of harming
Effect: Damage (1.5) 
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Damage Splash potion of harming
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Potion of Damage II Potion of harming Damage (3)
Potion of Damage II Potion of harming
Effect: Damage (3)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Damage II Splash potion of harming
Splash Potion of Harming Splash potion of harming
Effect: Damage (1.5) 
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust
Potion of Swiftness Potion of swiftness
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Swiftness (0.2)
Fermented Spider Eye Fermented spider eye Potion of Slowness Potion of slowness Slowness (0.15) 1:30
Potion of Slowness Potion of slowness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Slowness (0.15)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Slowness Splash potion of slowness
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Slowness Potion of slowness 4:00
Potion of Slowness Potion of slowness
Duration: 4:00, Effect: Slowness (0.15)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Slowness Splash potion of slowness
Splash Potion of Slowness Splash potion of slowness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Slowness (0.15)
Redstone Dust Redstone
Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash potion of swiftness
Duration: 3:00, Effect: Swiftness (0.2) 
Fermented Spider Eye Fermented spider eye
Potion of Slowness Potion of slowness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Slowness (0.15)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Potion of Slowness II Potion of slowness Slowness (0.6) 0:20
Potion of Slowness II Potion of slowness
Duration: 0:20, Effect: Slowness (0.6)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Slowness II Splash potion of slowness
Splash Potion of Slowness Splash potion of slowness
Duration: 1:30, Effect: Slowness (0.15)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust
Awkward Potion Bottle water Pufferfish Pufferfish Potion of Water Breathing Potion of water breathing N/A 3:00
Potion of Water Breathing Potion of water breathing
Duration: 3:00
Redstone Dust Redstone 8:00
Awkward Potion Bottle water Turtle Shell Armor-turtle Potion of Turtle Master Potion of turtle master Slowness (0.6), Resistance (0.6) 0:20
Potion of Turtle Master Potion of turtle master
Duration: 0:20, Effects: Slowness (0.6), Resistance (0.6)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Turtle Master Splash potion of turtle master
Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Turtle Master Potion of turtle master 0:40
Potion of Turtle Master Potion of turtle master
Duration: 0:40, Effects: Slowness (0.6), Resistance (0.6)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Turtle Master Splash potion of turtle master
Splash Potion of Turtle Master Splash potion of turtle master
Duration: 0:20, Effects: Slowness (0.6), Resistance (0.6)
Redstone Dust Redstone
Potion of Turtle Master Potion of turtle master
Duration: 0:20, Effects: Slowness (0.6), Resistance (0.6)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust Potion of Turlte Master II Potion of turtle master Slowness (0.89), Resistance (0.8) 0:20
Potion of Turtle Master II Potion of turtle master
Duration: 0:20, Effects: Slowness (0.89), Resistance (0.8)
Gun Powder Gunpowder Splash Potion of Turtle Master II Splash potion of turtle master
Splash Potion of Turtle Master Splash potion of turtle master
Duration: 0:20, Effects: Slowness (0.6), Resistance (0.6)
Glowstone Dust Glowstone dust
Awkward Potion Bottle water Bonemeal Bone meal Potion of Growth Potion of growth Increases your size Permanent
Potion of Growth Potion of growth Redstone Dust Redstone Potion of Reducing Potion of reducing Decreases your size
Water Bottle Bottle water Cocoa Beans Cocoa beans Potion of Cocoa Potion of cocoa Fills up your hunger bar

