Survival commands:[]
/help (provides all the commands available to you)
/kit (gives items from kit)
/kit disable (makes it so the items from the kit don't show up every time you join a world)
/kit enable (makes it so that items from the kit show up every time you join a world)
/kit set true / false (makes it so that the kit will or not show up every time you join a world)
/time day (makes time day)
/time night (makes time night)
/time set (numerical value) (sets time corresponding to number)
/time speed (affects how fast time moves)
/pm (player) (message) (This is private messaging, it makes it so that your message won't show to other people, keep in mind this only works on local chat and doesn't work on global chat)
Miscellaneous commands[]
/fart (This causes you to display *fart* above your name)
/poop (When this is run, a coca bean with your name on it will drop on the ground near you. Keep in mind that using this command will deplete your hunger bar.)
Creative commands:[]
/help (provides all the commands available to you)
All items (1)