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Chests Chest are used to store items for players. Like normal Minecraft, there are Single Chests Chest and Double Chests Chest, the only difference is that Double Chests Chest are larger and take up one whole block, while single chests take of a fraction of a block and allow small enough players to pass through between two.

Natural Generation[]

Chests Chest can spawn in most naturally generated worlds, such as: All Biomes (Excluding Swamp, and The End) and Spawn.



  • Storing Items
  • Stocking adjacent Trade-o-mats Trade o mat front
  • Auto Crafting items inside a Chest Chest with an adjacent Auto Crafting Table Auto crafting table top
  • Auto Smelting items inside a Chest Chest with an adjacent Induction Furnace Induction furnace top


When Right Clicked, the Chest Chest will open your inventory aswell as a 4x8 (Single Chest) / 8x8 (Double Chest) on the right of your inventory.

Theft Prevention[]

If you are not a member of a world, or an owner, you cannot open a Chest Chest. This benefits people with storages, as this makes life easier by preventing theft. If you try to right click on a Chest Chest you do not have access to, the server will display the following message: Insufficient Rights


Items Result
Wood x 8 Wood Chest Chest
Chest Chest Iron Ingot x 5 Iron ingot Hopper Hopper
Iron Ingot Iron ingot Pipe x 4 Hopper pipe top
Iron Ingot x 5 Iron ingot Redstone Dust x 2 Redstone Hopper Sorter Hopper sorter
Leather x 8 Leather Chest Chest Large Backpack Backpack large


Description Relation
Crafter Craft any item Crafting 1 Chest Chest
8 Wood Wood
Designer Change skin of the item Changing a Chest Chest to any of its 15 skins
Chestful of Rocks Get and Put full chest of rocks Filling a Chest Chest with 64 Rock Rock
Miner Mine 100k blocks Mining a Chest Chest 100k times (Or along with other blocks)
Builder Place 100k blocks Placing a Chest Chest 100k times (Or along with other blocks)


Casual Mode Chests Chest and other devices save the player access token
v0.437 Added bonus Chests Chest random spawn.
11/27/2023 Made it so Chests Chest can be made public in user worlds with /privacy block everyone
Server: v0.771 | Client: v0.113 Added large Chests Chest
Server: v0.829 | Client: v0.129 Extended Chests Chest
v0.963.163 Added message for exchanger Chest Chest overflow.
v0.1182.184/v0.1203.185 Fixed denied access to member's Chest Chest in your region when member is offline.
v0.1245.188 Fixed Hopper Hopper griefing Chests Chest.
Vanilla Mode
9/26/2023 Made a new minigame called Mystic Chest, a game where there is a randomized loot Chest Chest in the middle of the map, where players have to fight for whats inside. If you die, you lose all your items.




