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Cryptocurrencies are a cosmetic currency item in the game. These can be bought from the top shop and the prices of each cryptocurrency scales real-time with the price of crypto in real-time, as mentioned below.

Selling crypto to the same trade-o-mat will only grant a refund for about 93% less than the buy price of that crypto at that time.

Crypto in is extremely useful for those who enjoy investing and have a high knowledge in Cryptocurrency, some other available stocks in are Ethereum, Litecoin, and last but not least Dogecoin.

*Cryptocurrency updated daily*

Bitcoin can be exchanged for rubies in the top shop. The price there is updated live by a webhook embedded in the browser tab. It can be sold at a lower price in the trade-o-mat at the current time, or you could choose to save up and sell it for a higher price later. It is not important for rich players, as it is highly variable and rich players simply are not bothered to buy it, unless it is for display purposes. Bitcoin prices scale with IRL Bitcoin, 100 US dollars being equivalent to 1 ruby in price. This makes it not only a sign of wealth but also a risky investment

Ethereum is the second most valuable cryptocurrency, the most valuable in terms of emeralds. The price is dependent on real-life Ethereum, 1 US dollar for 1 emerald in Ethereum price. You may purchase one in the top shop.

Litecoin is the third most valued cryptocurrency. 1 Litecoin can be bought for a certain amount of emeralds, the number being the same to the amount of US dollars per Litecoin in real-time. This can be found in the top shop.

Dogecoin is the least valuable cryptocurrency available, but if you manage to achieve a dogecoin with ID: DOGEx it would be worth more than the original dogecoin, due to being the original version and not the new one. The price of one dogecoin is one diamond per 0.001 US dollar in price for a real-time dogecoin, bought in the top shop. For instance, if the price of a dogecoin is US$0.077, a dogecoin in-game would be 77 diamonds. Now, it is mostly a collector's item, even though it can be purchased. Many players find no need to buy this cryptocurrency.


Description Relation
Designer Change skin of the item Changing a Unique Item to any of the 4 Crypto Skins

(Bitcoin Ruby bitcoinbutsmallEtherium Eth coinbutsmallLitecoin Ltc coinbutsmallDoge Coin Doge coinbutsmall)

(Note: Only Admins Admin and Developers Dev can add the skins to the Unique Items.)
