The Grass is the fundamental block in almost all non-empty worlds. Every default and flat worlds have at least one grass block.
Natural generation[]
Grass is commonly found in new Worlds, the Spawn World, or other Biomes that contain grass.
- Mining Grass
with a Silk Touch enchanted tool
- Killing Bosses, most notably Warden and Shrek
- Finding it inside Christmas Presents
and Lottery Cases
- There isnt much to do with Grass, the only somewhat useful thing to do is change it to its Skins. It is mainly used for decoration.
If there is an Empty Block/Dirt Block with Grass
next to it; New Grass
will start to grow back.
If there is lava nearby, or when it is set on fire by a Flint and Steel, Grass will "catch fire" and the breaking animation will play. When the animation ends, the layer of grass is removed and it turns into Dirt Block.
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