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Level is a method of counting how much Experience a player has.


Levels are gained whenever experience is obtained. The more the Experience obtained, the more levels a player will have. The more levels you have, the more experience the player needs to increse thier levels.

The main origins of experience levels are:

  1. Killing mobs/bossess
  2. Mining valuable ores
  3. Experience bottles


However, Levels and Experience are two different concepts in the game. Levels refer to what your Experience Bar shows. However, this may not be the same as the total Experience you have.

When enchanting/repairing and disenchanting, your levels are affected, not your total score on the Leaderboard. Eventually, you can run out of levels but your score is still retained.

This leads to some complications, such as when using the /share exp bottle command. Because the amount you can save to an Experience Bottle solely depends on how many Levels you have, due to activities that consume levels(such as enchanting), often the total amount of experience cannot be saved.
