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Netherite is an uncommon resource which is used to upgrade Diamond Tools and Armor (Diamond pickaxeDiamond axeDiamond swordDiamond shovelDiamond hoeArmor-diamond) into Netherite Tools and Armor (Netherite pickaxeNetherite axebutsmallNetherite swordNetherite shovel •.Netherite hoeArmor-netherite). It is also used as a form of currency. 36 Netherite Ingots Netherite ingot is equal to 1 Ruby Ruby.

Natural generation[]

  • Netherite ingots can generate in Bastion Remnants, rare but giant square structures made of blackstone that occasionally generate in the Nether Portal.
  • Netherite may rarely be found in chests around spawn.
  • Netherite Ingots occasionally generate in Ocean Monuments and Desert Temples.


  • Crafting 1 Netherite Ingot Netherite ingot:
    • Ancient debris top --> Coal Furnace --> Furnace front on --> Netherite scrap x 4 + Gold ingot x 4 --> 1 Netherite ingot
  • Killing bosses (Excluding Shrek, Enderdragon, and Wither)
  • Netherite ingots Netherite ingot may also spawn in Christmas Presents Christmas present and Lottery Cases Lottery case.


  • Netherite Ingots Netherite ingot can be used to upgrade Diamond Tools and Armor (Diamond pickaxeDiamond axeDiamond swordDiamond shovelDiamond hoeArmor-diamond) to Netherite Tools and Armor (Netherite pickaxeNetherite axebutsmallNetherite swordNetherite shovel •.Netherite hoeArmor-netherite) through an Anvil Anvil.
  • Buying items in the Shop (Warp) and Shop v.2 (Warp)
  • Netherite Ingots cannot be burnt by Lava or Fire.


Items Result Block needed
Netherite Block Netherite block Netherite Ingot x 9 Netherite ingot
Netherite Ingot x 9 Netherite ingot Netherite Block Netherite block
Gold Ingot x 4 Gold ingot Netherite Scrap x 4 Netherite scrap Netherite Ingot Netherite ingot
Netherite Ingot Netherite ingot Diamond Armor Armor-diamond Netherite Armor Armor-netherite Anvil Anvil
Diamond Sword Diamond sword Netherite Sword Netherite sword
Diamond Pickaxe Diamond pickaxe Netherite Pickaxe Netherite pickaxe
Diamond Axe Diamond axe Netherite Axe Netherite axebutsmall
Diamond Hoe Diamond hoe Netherite Hoe Netherite hoe
Diamond Shovel Diamond shovel Netherite Shovel Netherite shovel


Description Relation
Crafter Craft any item Crafting 1 Netherite Ingot Netherite ingot

4 Netherite Scrap Netherite scrap and 4 Gold Ingots Gold ingot

Designer Change skin of the item Changing a Netherite Ingot Netherite ingot to any of its 5 skins

Flame Netherite Ingot FlamenetheritebutsmallNetherite Ingot Netheriteingotv2Netherite Coin NetheritecoinbutsmallHD Netherite Ingot HdnetheritebutsmallIce Cream Sandwich Icecreamsandwichbutsmall

Beaconator Activate the beacon with max level Using a Netherite Ingot Netherite ingot to power a Beacon Beacon to max level.
Time to Strike! Craft any sword Crafting a Netherite Sword Netherite sword with 1 Netherite Ingot Netherite ingot and 1 Diamond Sword Diamond sword in an Anvil Anvil


v0.684 Netherite Ingots Netherite ingot were added
v0.1241.186 Reduced the amount of Netherite (Unspecified whether its Netherite Ingots Netherite ingot or Netherite Blocks Netherite block) inside a Desert Temple


