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Official Wiki


  • Crafting a stick with 1 Wood Wood or 2 Bamboo Bamboo
  • Killing Witches


  • Crafting various tools such as: Shovel, Axe, Sword, Pickaxe, etc.

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Result
Wood Wood Stick x 8 Stick
Stick Stick Wood x 3 Wood Sign Oak sign
Stick x 3 Stick Coal Coal Wood Wood Campfire Campfire
Stick Stick Wood Wood Wood Sword Wooden sword2
Rock x 2 Rock Stone Sword Stone sword
Iron Ingot x 2 Iron ingot Iron Sword Iron sword
Gold Ingot x 2 Gold ingot Gold Sword Golden sword
Diamonds x 2 Diamond Diamond Sword Diamond sword
Stick x 2 Stick Wood x 3 Wood Wood Pickaxe Wooden pickaxe
Rock x 3 Rock Stone Pickaxe Stone pickaxe
Iron Ingot x 3 Iron ingot Iron Pickaxe Iron pickaxe
Gold Ingot x 3 Gold ingot Gold Pickaxe Golden pickaxe
Diamond x 3 Diamond Diamond Pickaxe Diamond pickaxe
Wood x 3 Wood Wood Axe Wooden axe
Rock x 3 Rock Stone Axe Stone axe
Iron Ingot x 3 Iron ingot Iron Axe Iron axe
Gold Ingot x 3 Gold ingot Gold Axe Golden axe
Diamond x 3 Diamond Diamond Axe Diamond axe
Wood Wood Wood Shovel Wooden shovel
Rock Rock Stone Shovel Stone shovel
Iron Ingot Iron ingot Iron Shovel Iron shovel
Gold Ingot Gold ingot Gold Shovel Golden shovel
Diamond Diamond Diamond Shovel Diamond shovel
Wood x 2 Wood Wood Hoe Wooden hoe
Rock x 2 Rock Stone Hoe Stone hoe
Iron Ingot x 2 Iron ingot Iron Hoe Iron hoe
Gold Ingot x 2 Gold ingot Gold Hoe Golden hoe
Diamond x 2 Diamond Diamond Hoe Diamond hoe
String x 3 String Stick x 3 Stick Bow Bow
String x 2 String Iron Ingot Iron ingot Crossbow Crossbow standby
Flint Flint Stick Stick Feather Feather Arrow x 4 Arrow
Stick x 4 Stick Wood x 2 Wood Gate Oak gate
Coal Coal Stick Stick Torch Torch
Stone Slab Stone slab Stick x 2 Stick Wood x 2 Wood Grindstone Grindstone
Stone x 3 Stone Stick Stick Red Dye x 3 Red dye Green Dye x 3 Green dye Blue Dye x 3 Blue dye Stylist Block Stylist table top
Stick x 6 Stick Stone Floor Stone floor Armor Stand Armor stand
Stick x 8 Stick Leather Leather Item Frame Item frame
Stick Stick Redstone Redstone Redstone Torch Redstone torch
Rock Rock Lever Lever
Stick x 3 Stick String x 2 String Fishing Rod Fishing rod cast
Bamboo x 2 Bamboo Stick Stick
Stick Stick Iron Ingot x 6 Iron ingot Rail x 16 Rail
Redstone Redstone Gold Ingot x 6 Gold ingot Powered Rail x 6 Powered rail

